Ten Simple Steps to a Better Life
With all of the challenges we face in life, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all, we can feel stuck, non-productive, diminished creatively and generally unhappy. A prolonged period of time in this state of mind can lead to poor health, troubled relationships and diminished effectiveness at work. Some individuals turn to food, alcohol or narcotics for relief which only exacerbates the situation.Â
Having a sympathetic ear in a formal counseling setting or the support of family and friends can help and should be sought out when necessary.Â
We should also be aware that there are several ways to improve our emotional state of mind and take control of our thoughts and feelings to remain positive, productive and happy in our lives. Here are ten simple ways to do this:
Know that you have power, control and responsibility for your life
I feel this presents the most challenge for many people who, for a variety of reasons, feel that they have little or no control over what happens to them, that they are victims of circumstance. The truth is nothing can be further from reality. Though it seems that the world, fate or other people seem to control what happens to you; know that what you think, say and do have the greatest impact on your life. And personally, I would never relinquish my personal power by believing otherwise.Â
2.                 Have clearly defined goals that are attached to a realistic timeline, and work toward them. What do you want out of life?  Investigate what it takes to achieve and do the work.
3.                 Believe only the best about yourself and others. We all have gifts whether we are aware of them or not. And we all have value as human beings. It is when we do not realize we miss an opportunity to be fulfilled.
4.                 Be gratefulÂ
Express appreciation daily from your heart for all things both big and small and express it.
5.                  Take a time out Devote 20 minutes a day to clearing your thoughts and breathing deeply.
6.                    Move your body every day.
It doesn’t mean you have to belong to a gym, just exercise at home, walk, play ball or dance.
        7.  Look for the good in things, the glass is always half full. It really cannot be overstated    that a positive outlook is essential to a happy, productive life.
  8.  Appreciate the beauty in the everyday things.  Beauty is all around us in a baby’s smile, the sky and nature.
   9.  Laugh out loud. Â
Life can be absurd at times, laugh it off, but not at the expense of others.
10. Eat consciously
Conscious eating is being aware of the quality and quantity of food we consume. It should be clean, lean and green and fresh.Â
Carlotta Daniels-Randolph is a writer, educator and career and life coach. The Randolph Report is a weekly newsletter on politics, Black culture and career and professional development relevant to African Americans. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.